A dawn's lens
When I went walking in the rain
'Twixt Moonbeam's, Green, and Meyer
The puddles splashed up on my leg
(And sometimes even higher.)
My duct-tape shoes flipped, flapped, and flup
And caused me pedal scarring
But I could never give them up
Without my conscience sparring.

Now, Adam knows I know not care
and never have been fussy
But he could never bear to ne'er
not see my feet clad thusly
Though he has seemed to understand
their values economic
He's quite fond of the reprimand
that they're unergonomic.
And so he has stood stolid by
Whilst he has watched me fix 'em,
And kept the secret in his eye
that he did fix to nix 'em.

So now, instead of duct-tape flops
with moulds and holes and leakin'
I wear instead a pair of Crocs
bright orange as any beacon!

Music of the moment: The Danielson Family's "Tell Another Joke at the Ol' Choppin' Block". Unapologetically bizarre psychadelic folk music. I don't recommend it until you are well steeped in indiedom. I myself like it a lot.
CGR: 3.5
'Twixt Moonbeam's, Green, and Meyer
The puddles splashed up on my leg
(And sometimes even higher.)
My duct-tape shoes flipped, flapped, and flup
And caused me pedal scarring
But I could never give them up
Without my conscience sparring.

Now, Adam knows I know not care
and never have been fussy
But he could never bear to ne'er
not see my feet clad thusly
Though he has seemed to understand
their values economic
He's quite fond of the reprimand
that they're unergonomic.
And so he has stood stolid by
Whilst he has watched me fix 'em,
And kept the secret in his eye
that he did fix to nix 'em.

So now, instead of duct-tape flops
with moulds and holes and leakin'
I wear instead a pair of Crocs
bright orange as any beacon!

Music of the moment: The Danielson Family's "Tell Another Joke at the Ol' Choppin' Block". Unapologetically bizarre psychadelic folk music. I don't recommend it until you are well steeped in indiedom. I myself like it a lot.
CGR: 3.5