
Digging Deep

As it turns out, the Testimony website this year will contain only a bit of a "best of" in the survey response / cast bios section. Sad, because I spent a good long time on that survey, both authoring and responding. Anyway, lest this gem of insight be lost forever, I'm going to go ahead and post it here, as well as on my website. So here it is. Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Rob - The Testimony Website Survey Unabridged.

-What voice part are you?

-What is your favorite voice part?

-If I could have anyone's voice, I would choose...
Steven Delopoulos (of Burlap to Cashmere)

-What year are you?

-Would you rather people mistook you for someone significantly older or younger?
Older still.

-What is your major or intended area of study?
Electrical Engineering

-What major would you definitely not pursue?
Anything having to do with art, foreign language... Used to be Electrical Engineering. Hmm.

-What is your ideal job?
Staffperson at a small music store. I'd get to hang out with drums, handle expensive drums, look through drum catalogues, talk to drummers and other musicians all day, it wouldn't be too high stress. What an excellent job. Barring that, I would also like to be a world famous conguero.

-What is your favorite class at Stanford so far?
Introduction to World Music

-What’s the weirdest thing you've done so far at Stanford?
Stood on a table and played djembe in a Branner raid during orientation week. Or when I helped a friend with a presentation by giving a conga demonstration IN MEMORIAL COURT!!!

-What is your birthday?
May 19, 1985

-What is your height?

-If you could have your own television show, what format would it be?
Game Show

-Tell us about your family. How many siblings do you have?
I have one sister, a senior here at Stanford

-Where's your hometown?
Bellingham, Washington

-Have you ever lived overseas?

-What is your favorite color?
Well, since I've gotten to Stanford, the color orange has sort of been imposed upon me, so I guess I'm cool with that.

-What is your favorite bible passage?
Isaiah 30:21 - "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" Such a beautiful picture of God's enduring grace, even in our enduring disobedience. I love Isaiah.

-Do you have a favorite song?
Tough call. The Turtles' "So Happy Together"? Moxy Fruvous' "King of Spain"? Stavesacre's "Gold and Silver"...

-What kind of music do you like?
All sorts. Most of what I own is obscure Christian rock, with a good bit of old style latin and jazz mixed in. Some oddball world music and the requisite classical library to round it all off, and there you have it.

-What kind of music do you hate?
I tend to not like rap, mostly because of the swearing. I don't like country (sorry, but it's true.) Musicals sometimes get on my nerves. Pop can be good, but it's touchy.

-What’s your favorite time of year?
Summer, when I can go home and see my friends.

-Have you ever played any sports?
Does tee ball in first grade count?

-Have you ever broken any bones?
Yes. My leg, my collar bone, and most notably all four bones of my forearms AT THE SAME TIME!!!

-What is your favorite thing to do when it rains?
Cup of soup, mug of hot cider, and an entertaining read. Either that, or jump in puddles. Depends on if one is inside or out, you know?

-What is your favorite children's book?
Tough call between "Through the Looking Glass", "The Great Brain", "The House at Pooh Corner", and "The Phantom Tollbooth".

-What is your favorite comic strip or cartoon character?
Hobbes (close second: the Looney Tunes sheepdog)

-Tell us your most embarrassing story.

-How about the stupidest comment you've ever made?
It's not like the stupidest thing ever, but recently what with the school year starting and all, I've found myself introducing myself not a few times to people who I definitely already know, but whom I seem to have temporarily forgotten. Awkward, one finds it.

-What’s your favorite game?
Right now, good old contract bridge. Just wish I could get more of it in. Also, I've been very impressed with "Total War: Rome", from the little I've seen and the slightly more I've heard.

-What’s your least favorite chore?
I hate cleaning bath tubs. So awkward. So much scrubbing.

-Do you play any instruments?
I'm sloooowwwly learning how to play congas, and I can plunk out a few things on guitar.

-What’s your weirdest pet peeve?
I can't stand it when people tap on desks and stuff. This is weird because I am constantly tapping on desks and stuff.

-How many stuffed animals did you bring to college?
Right now, I've got six. A big help is the fact that a couple of my friends have taken to sending me a stuffed animal every month. Because they are awesome.

-What is hanging on your dorm room wall?
Let's see... Three Yamaha Mallets posters, two frisbees, a frame drum, a hat, a stuffed duck hand puppet sitting on the hat, three small Van Gogh prints from a calendar, a weekly schedule, a picture of Bellingham, some maps of the NorthWest, and some assorted art posters.

-Do you like things minimalist or froofy?
Closer to minimalist.

-What is your most entertaining way to procrastinate?
I like to dink around on my drums or check out peoples' blogs and other webthings. Updating my AIM profile and fiddling with iTunes also take up a good chunk of my free time.

-What’s your favorite website?
Right now, it's mine (www.stanford.edu/~rmajors), because it has links to everything worth seeing.

-How do you get around campus?
On my feets.

-What’s your most memorable driving story?
So, when I was in driver's ed, I once had a drive in which I was learning to navigate one-way streets. I had made a series of left turns from one way street to one way street (and thus into the closest lane), when suddenly I turned left and the street turned out to not be one way. So there I was, with three lanes of oncoming traffic. My instructor made some indistinguishable utterance and jerked the wheel over rather ambitiously, and soon enough I was in the right lane again. But it rattled me. Hoo boy.

-Have you ever been lost?
Yes. Once, Brian Russell and I set off to find Kirkland, armed only with an address of a store there and the knowledge that it is "somewhere between Bellingham and Seattle." After many hours worth of excellent storytelling material, we finally made it. For those of you who don't know, Kirkland is not actually between Bellingham and Seattle (at least not in the usual way.)

-What’s your most well hidden personality trait?
My certain je ne sais quoi.

-What do you wish people knew about you?
That all I really want in this world is a pair of flaming orange pants.

-When in your week are you the happiest?
I'd say Thursday around dinner. Right after E40 lab, and I'm freeeeeee.

-What else am you involved with on campus?
RUF, a little this and that in the fellowship community.

-What do you most wish you could get involved with on campus?
KZSU. It is my dream to have my own radio show. I'd like to play in a band, too.

-What brand of toothpaste do you use?
Whatever's cheapest. Right now, that appears to be "Colgate Fresh Confidence With Whitening Gel (Helps Eliminate the Bacteria that Cause Bad Breath)"

-If you were an ice cream flavor, which would you be, and why?
I would be Mango Sherbet, with a topping of sweet chile sauce. Hardly anyone knows it exists, and it tends to repulse those who encounter it. It's strange, a little zesty, and certainly not for everyone. An acquired taste which is loved by a very few. Unforgettable and outrageous. Orange. All that, plus it leaves a jangly taste in your mouth.

-What is the most addictive junk food ever?
Cheez-its, I do believe.

-What is your favorite on-campus food?
The cheese blintzes they have at brunch every now and again aren't bad, but I recently had some peach cobbler out of Stern that was absolutely to die/kill/major-in-electrical-engineering for. It was so amazingly fantastic, you cannot even begin to imagine. I was, in short, duly impressed.

-What is your favorite planet besides Earth?
What with Cassini and all, it's got to be Saturn.

-If you could choose the ideal number of keys to carry around with you, balancing functionality with convenience, what would it be?
Three. Four, if they come with a car.

-Do you like clowns?
I never met a clown I didn't like.

-What is your least favorite question on this survey?
There was nothing wrong with this survey. It was brilliant - the subtle nuance, the bold proclamation, the ducking, weaving, and other rhetorical jinking. Whoever wrote this thing is a sheer genius. And dashingly handsome, to boot.

That's it! Now you know the answers to all those questions you always thought would be too awkward to ask.

Song of the moment:
"Obsession", by the David Crowder Band. So, I really don't like recorded worship music. At all. But nevertheless, this is a gem of the genre. Like Amy Grant's "Somewhere Down The Road". I hate music that sounds remarkably like it, but for some reason I can stand this one song. Not only that, but I enjoy it. Huzzah.

PS - Does anyone know where the dc Talk song "My Will" comes from? It's on a few best-ofs but not on any of their CDs. What was it first on?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you..." so I thought that you just liked this one because of how tricky it would be to stay behind someone who keeps turning around to see who's there! But there you go, pulling out depth of meaning. Whatever... :)

Tell us your most embarrassing story.

Good to hear that you've never been more lost than when you drive places with me. The Whidbey Island trip had a lot of potential for misdirection. Too bad we took a map...

All in all, a fabulous survey, Rob. But I can feel the "seventeen-people-filling-out-all-of-this-would-make-for-website-mayhem!" vibes from Testimony.

So, now that you've broken the ice, as it were, I can pop another potentially awkward question: "Which is better: milk or carbourators?"
and another: "which sounds cooler: Zach rapelling in from the ceiling or Zach bursting out of the trapdoor in the stage in a flash of fog machine and pyrotechnics?"

1:14 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Most embarrasing story? Is that one on there? Well, that's obviously a mistake. I mean, when have I ever done anything embarassing? Come on.

Now, to answer your second question, imagine this: The room suddenly goes dark. A distant rumbling is heard. Strobe lights start flashing, and with a burst of pyrotechnics the entire organ loft opens up, revealing Zach playing a furious drum solo on a suspended and slowly decending kit with fog machines mounted all around the bass and sparks shooting out every time he drops a kick. Let's do it for the offeratory.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

not only is mango sherbet orange, but so are cheez-its, cheese blintzes, and peach cobbler. spooky.

3:49 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I think I've found it - "My Will" was introduced on the "Exodous" compilation CD. Someone give me a cupie doll.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Oh, and what sorts of cheese blintzes have you been eating, Jeff?

1:00 PM  

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